Anne E.M. hosted a nice "Slides of March" together-getting at her place, and slides were had by all - projected on a sheet from a manual one-at-a-time vintage TDC slide project.

Matt Kessler (who recently did a wonderful slide show at Chicago Pecha Kucha vol. 4 on the ridiculous logos DARPA has for their overly acronymed and often failed multi-million $$$ projects, like PANDA) presented an ongoing project with his collaborator Zach that was based on a book called "C D B" in which the sound of letters take the place of phonetic syllables of words, albeit sometimes in a unintuitive sort of way. Matt and Zach came up with several clever original ones with drawing included, such as:

This was just the tip of the word-sound iceberg that they exhibited that evening, as well as some four other slide shows covering everything from online confessions sites to the architectural oddities of otherwise unremarkable old apartments in Bridgeport.
Next slide, please.
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